Safety Strategies
- 2014
- wheatpaste posters, urban intervention
- 147x119 cm each
In Safety Strategies, portraits in the shape of posters are placed in public spaces where cases of homophobic aggression have been registered in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The portraits of young men are covered by labels containing 4 behavioural tips published by the Folha de S. Paulo newspaper (listed as security strategies adopted by those in the Av. Paulista region to avoid aggression):
1. Walk in groups: having friends around can intimidate aggressors;
2. Stay indoors whenever possible to increase safety;
3. Avoid holding hands and kissing in public places;
4. Don’t look like a sissy: some mannerisms may get aggressor’s attention.
These posters highlight a gender normative discourse conducted by mainstream media in an attempt to classify behaviours and limit diversity in urban space.