A Grand Affair (NSA)
- 2024
- video
- 32'00"

During an immigration interview, a love letter is presented as documentation to support a visa request to enter the United States. Serving as evidence of commitment to a genuine relationship, the letter parallels the stages of a romantic relationship and the immigration process. A Grand Affair is a collage of short scenes divided into six chapters, visually interpreting the letter as it is read by the immigration officer while blurring the line between the personal and the political. In this love story, capitalism and its influence within the U.S. immigration system prompt a psychological exploration of an immigrant’s romantic and erotic experience of becoming American.

PARTICIPANT AFTER DARK and The Department of NSA (No Strings Attached) present “A Grand Affair”
A film by Rodrigo Moreira
Curated by Serubiri Moses
Technical and Assistant Direction by Itziar Barrio
Written by danilo machado, Rodrigo Moreira and Serubiri Moses
Cinematography by Ryan Harman, Rehan Miskci, Sinan Tuncay
Edited by Itziar Barrio, Rodrigo Moreira
Voice-Over by danilo machado
Audio Mix by Rosana Caban
Produced by Lia Gangitano (Participant After Dark)